Finding sanctuary by Julia Jarrell, Spirit Writer
I seem to be coming to terms with identifying and exercising the potential for the joys and pleasures of being who I am and where I am within the many frameworks of this life chapter.

Through classes and experiences in both temporary and more ephemeral communities-
Through making the time to “show up” to a spiritual practice-
I am finding a broader array of options, starting points
within myself to build an inner well of hope, peace of mind,
My inner portable sanctuary.
This feels for me a means integrating the physical and the spiritual,
An activist approach to peace of mind.
I am tapping into another system larger than myself,
though at the same time this system is what makes me who I am.
Not dissimilar from the muscular system that holds me together,
Propels my physical body. If I don’t use it, I lose it,
Diminishing my spiritual capacity for action.
My spiritual muscles need exercise,
So they are accessible when I need them.
I don’t know if I made this principle up or I read it somewhere:
“ Feel Joy Daily”
Recently, I have used a simple personal mantra to initiate movement:
Divine spirit, bring me into your light
Divine source, fill me with your light
Sometimes I feel myself melting into a new form or evaporating into a new
stratosphere…liberating, freeing, the joyous sensations of letting go.
As I designate recurring time and space (physical and mental) to access this spiritual energy, I am expanding my capacity to access a sense of safety and well-being. I can carry it with me into more troubling waters.
Easy places:
My starting place is a corner of my study room, a table with a candle and spirit objects that have meaning for me.
I can carry these sensations with me
-on my deck in the morning, listening to bird song and watching creatures.
-while walking to the duck pond in my neighborhood.
-along the paths at the Wildflower Center.
I find here I am equally at peace, whether alone in stillness or among the chatter and laughter of families and children.
In a recent spiritual values class, I chose these qualities to locate and strengthen inside myself.
-A sense of Joyfulness.
-Growing wisdom.
-A capacity for healing and nurturing.
I see in myself a deep love for excellence and beauty in the world.
Through training and practice, I am dedicated to recognizing and naming the seeds of these qualities in the people I meet and in the situations I find myself in.
I wish to be a catalyst for others to identify and grow their potential for beauty and excellence. I keep relearning that as I hold the mirror of beauty for others, I am growing a capacity for beauty in myself.
Julia Jarrell
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