by Martha Iglehart, Spirit Writer
When I hear the word sanctuary, I immediately think of a designated space inside a church that’s used for religious services. Most often, I am in church when I hear the word used. We will gather in the sanctuary. The meeting will be held in the sanctuary. The sanctuary is where our messages of hope and inspiration are delivered.
When I was a kid growing up, I had places designated as my special space where I’d go

when I was sad or to get away and daydream without interruption. My first place was on our tiny back porch, where I could look out across our backyard to the wooded area behind our house and see giant pecan trees with birds flying high above. I’d sit and watch the stillness of those trees. They had a magical way of calming my despair or thoughts at that moment. Sometimes, if the trees weren’t naked, I’d watch the leaves on the long branches quiver from the force of the breezes.
When we moved from that house, my next sanctuary was in the living room behind our piano. I can still hear my mother’s voice asking, “Where is Martha?” I’d sit quietly in my world and answer only in my head so no one would hear, “Someplace where I hope you can’t find me.”
Those places were resting places for my inner world. They were my refuge, my safe place. I’d dream, pray and though I was too young to realize it, I’d meditate. Often, I’d spend time talking to GOD and asking questions.
Now, my favorite sanctuary, which I visit once a year, is located over 1700 miles away in Heavenly Village at Lake Tahoe. The place sits at an elevation of almost 8,000 feet high, is surrounded by boulders and giant pine trees, and overlooks the beautiful lake and mountains. Years ago, I spread some of the ashes of a dear friend so when I visit now, I feel I have company. This sanctuary has been my go to place for almost 30 years now.
Even when I’m not there physically my mind and all my senses take me there in a heartbeat. I’m able to hear the wind, and feel it move across my face. I can smell the pines, and feel the roughness and coolness of the shaded boulder I use for my resting spot. Ah, and the view; I can see the bright blue water with the mountains as its backdrop. That sanctuary is embedded so deeply in my thoughts that, in a moment, I can transport myself to that sweet place and its serenity. No need for a plane ticket and
travel time…only a moment in time to remember.
On a deeper level, I’m reminded of the sweet song we sometimes sing, which gives me an even more profound understanding of what a sanctuary could be. The words are, “Lord, prepare me to BE a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true, with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you. To me, this is an invitation for the living Christ to shine brightly within me, to offer my inner world a space of solace and refuge, AND also for me to be a vessel or source for others seeking comfort and safety. To be a person
who offers quiet understanding, a warm hug, and a hand, or for me to simply be a space holder of peace and tranquility so that someone else can reclaim their stability, their balance, and wholeness.
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